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Wall of Honor Criteria

Battle High School’s Wall of Honor represents individuals and teams that exude Battle excellence. These individuals and teams are only a small representation of the exceptional students who are Muriel Williams Battle High School.

  • Criteria for selection to the Wall of Honor:
  • State Championship teams or individuals
  • All-State athletic honors (individual)
  • Senior Class Hall of Fame recipients: Academics, Service, Fine Arts and Athletics
  • Muriel Williams Battle Award winners
  • Perfect scores on college entrance exams
  • Valedictorians Presidential Scholars

The Battle High School administration realizes that the Wall of Honor shall recognize individuals and teams over the next 20 years. In that time, they reserve the right to amend the criteria to recognize additional, exceptional acts that are unknown of at this time.

Dedicated October 4, 2019

A gift of the Spartan Alliance